Monday, May 28, 2012

Thai Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga - An Inherent Connection

I recently taught a Prana Flow class as part of a Thai Yoga Workshop, led by Pamela Ryan.  During this workshop, the students learned and practiced various body-work techniques to enhance the yoga classes that they teach.  Thai Yoga is a type of massage that involves yogasana-like stretching and deep massage.

My part of the workshop was to teach a yoga practice that served to remind the students of their own postural alignment in the asanas - specifically pelvic alignment in such  poses as Tadasana, Plank, and various lunges.  With these techniques in mind, the students would be able to safely approach practicing Thai Yoga on others without injuring themselves.
Pamela demonstrating Thai Yoga with Susan.

As I was teaching the class, I realized I was emphasizing another technique that was equally important, a technique that forms the basis of vinyasa yoga - movement with the breath. I found myself reminding them to slow down, to feel the flowing movement between the asanas, to move in rhythm with their own breath.

Pamela's portion of the workshop began.  She demonstrated several techniques, using me as her *model*.  Pure bliss.  There was a methodic, rhythmic movement to many of the techniques.

As the students began practicing this technique w/ each other, something became abundantly clear - they were rushing through it. Their movements were stiff.  They were nervous, afraid of hurting the partner they were assisting.  To get them to relax a bit, I reminded themof the natural flow of the vinyasa practice they just finished.  Pamela nodded and smiled.  They needed to slow down, to breathe, to move in connection with their own breath. 

Something interesting happened. As the student became aware and rested inside of her own breath, she became more in sync with her partner. The movement was organic, natural.  You could see the pleasure on the face of the person receiving. 

Vinyasa and Thai Yoga - a nice blend. 

We'll be offering another segment of this workshop in mid-August. Click here for more info.

This workshop was offered as part of a series of Feel Good Twice Workshops.  A part of the proceeds are donated to Bradie James' Foundation 56, an organization that provides services to women with breast cancer.

Pamela and Susan formed Yoga Bridge to address the needs of people in any stage of cancer diagnosis/ recovery through the healing practice of yoga in a supportive and nurturing environment. Serving the areas of Dallas/Ft. Worth, Denton, Flower Mound, Lewisville, and Highland Village. Our goal is to offer FREE yoga to breast cancer patients and survivors. 

Susan Reeves, E-RYT 500. I offer yoga classes in Highland Village, Flower Mound, and Lewisville areas. Please sign up in the side-bar (right) for e-mail updates on current classes and workshops.

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